My submission link is not working or available anymore ?
How does record get submitted for verification ?
Why is my record did not receive verified check mark ?

Our auditors | reviewers could not verify your record proofing, or you entered the wrong entry.

Submit a review / dispute
Why i can't access my records collection

You can always request a copy of all your submissions, however this also means that you waived your right for a refund in the future.

Can I get my record verified faster ?

You can request an expedite verification service for an additional fee

How do I cancel my account?

You can make a request here. However, we suggest you to request a hold on your account in order to avoid your record lost.

Account Cancellation Request
Does false filing affect my credits?

A person is guilty of filing a false record against real or personal property when with intent to defraud, deceive. As used in this section, "record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form. In short, your Homifax credit worthiness will be reduced

What is the purpose of this service?

Homifax is an independent record verifier that provides Verified Report to decision makers and help them evaluate future acquisitions.

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