Build Your Contractor Verified Records , Earn Business Credits & Get More Business Referrals

Trust is Earned, Display Real Works, Cross Reference Hub, Adding Value to Your Personal Professional Resume and with HOMIFAX VERIFIED WORKS status
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Over 80k members has signed up, what are you waiting for? Only $180 to Start

Build Your Contractor Verified Records , Earn Business Credits & Get More Business Referrals

Earn More Trust, Display Real Works, Cross Reference Hub, Adding Value to Your Personal Professional Resume and with HOMIFAX VERIFIED WORKS status

Management Benefits

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Store Before & After Work Media Proof

Create a Verified Work resume and receive a Mutual Escrow credit line up to $50,000

Get Verified

Earn potential clients trust with Verified Works

Lookup Notifications

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Only .50 per Job Entry

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Personal | Organization Benefits

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Collect a Badges


Unlock New Features with Milestone

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Get Job Referrals


Received Local Job Bid

After 3 years grace period user can receive start receiving and submitting local job bid

Client Benefits

Choosing the best available contractors | Service personnel on the market.

Direct Job Push notification

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Rate & Validate Works

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.


One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.


One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Catherine Clifford, Chloe leaves her house and sets out in search of three cosy sausages.

Verification and Tracking Service Fee


$29/ Month

First time on Homifax network
- bill annually

  • Starter Includes:
    Include a one time $97 activation fee
  • 120 verified records per annum
  • New contractor member push notification inside Homifax network
  • $1.75 per additional records verification ( bill at the end of each fiscal account year)
    100% deductible
  • Badge rating display after year 1
  • * business licence verification may require on sign up
    *if you are an individual contractor, you will not receive a business check mark


$68/ Month

Been with Homifax
for more than one year- bill annually

  • Everything in Starter, plus:
    Additional 50 verified records per annum
  • Addon - Quarterly push ads
  • $1 per additional records verification ( bill at the end of each fiscal account year)
  • Passive Access to Homifax VTDN (Verified Tenant Distribution Network
  • Two Digital News Publications


$127/ Month

Been with Homifax
for more than three years - bill annually

  • Everything in Enhance, plus:
    Additional 50 verified records per annum
  • Addon - monthly push ads
  • User Portal Access
  • Passive Access to Homifax HNWPO (High Net Worth Property Owner)
NEw to This ? Consult with an expert. $25 Fee apply. Credit back toward future Enrollment

Verified Account Ranking & Benefits

Verified Account Ranking & Benefits

Class C
Contractor & Business Credit Listing

-Minimum 50 verified job records on HMLS database
-Upload at least one Verified Job Entry per month
- Has 5 randomly asked customer validation review rating. Homifax will pick randomly


- Earn Accredited Class C account status
- First time complimentary two days New Member Welcome Ad Display ( to three local selected zip codes)

Class B
Contractor & Business Credit Listing

- Monthly job records update
- At least two records upload for verification per month
- Billing | Quote | Job Completion cycle entry input
- Contain 15 months trace back verified records
- Has 10 randomly asked customer validation review rating. Homifax will pick randomly.


-Get 2 selected zip code customer referrals
-Receiving job offer & submit quote
-Free roll over relevant display ads on Homifax owner portal

Class A
Contractor & Business Credit Listing

- Frequent job verified records update
- Maintain at least four records upload for verification per months
- Billing | Quote | Job Completion cycle entry input
- 24 months continuous trace back verified records
- 30 randomly asked customer validation review rating
-At least one monthly verified customer rating review


- Earn Accredited Class A account status
-Receive up to 5 business adjacent selected zip codes customer referrals
-Receiving job offer & submitting quote
-Offer Coupons | Promotion through internal Portal
-Get 5 complimentary free certified payment escrow service
- Receive zip code and county industry annual report

Tailored Industry Experience

Perceived end knowledge certainly day sweetness why cordially.

Gain More Trust

Show them you're good without telling them you're good

Build Better Business

A side track that help both.

Reduce Liability

Provide a proven track of records with solid media to back it up. Protect yourself with validated proof from Homifax

Low Cost Advisory

Reduce your overall business consulting & advisory expense with power insight

Customer Swap

Realigning your customer base, save more time, burn less fuel.

More Referrals

Every new qualified submissions represent 5 new free adtifications

- Earns Matching Advertisement Credits when maintain Class B and above rating

- Free International Express Badge shipping


- For each Verified Record, you will earn 5 referral credits which is a form a internal advertisement and recommendation to your business. ( each referral credit represent one Homifax Verified Property Owners)
- *Homifax only redirect your business referral to local property owners in your geo targeted zip code. You can get up to 3 zip codes with class a rating
- Up to 50,000 potential customers maximum.
- *Display ads is subject to prescreening and approval before publishing inside Homifax network

- Once registered, you will receive the certificate of registration and along with our digital verified contractor badge logo to display after completing your first 60 records verification submission.
- For physical business front sticker or for use on your work vehicles, there is extra apply.
- Each year, Homifax will review your performance and update your business on new badge


- For each Verified Record, you will earn 5 referral credits which is a form a internal advertisement and recommendation to your business. ( each referral credit represent one Homifax Verified Property Owners)
- *Homifax only redirect your business referral to local property owners in your geo targeted zip code. You can get up to 3 zip codes with class a rating
- Up to 50,000 potential customers maximum.
- *Display ads is subject to prescreening and approval before publishing inside Homifax network

Vehicles, Job site & ads display


- For each Verified Record, you will earn 5 referral credits which is a form a internal advertisement and recommendation to your business. ( each referral credit represent one Homifax Verified Property Owners)
- *Homifax only redirect your business referral to local property owners in your geo targeted zip code. You can get up to 3 zip codes with class a rating
- Up to 50,000 potential customers maximum.
- *Display ads is subject to prescreening and approval before publishing inside Homifax network

You're in good hand policy

A risk-free service public announcement for new customer only
At Homifax, we are committed to provide our customers with the best value and interest. If you can't find it here, we are more than happy to give back.

You can always get your money back if no verified report ever gets released or you have not leveraged your Homifax Verified Property status to receive any financial gain or benefits over the years with us. Up to 70% of the original purchase plan after 5 years of service. The policy is only available for first time Homifax customer/ client for their first enrolled asset, service.


Show off your work
Accredited credential

Public profile will be available on Homifax Multi Listing Service once Verified and reached 150 minimum verified job records

Sign up now with Homifax and start building your direct relationship with existing & potential clients